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Nossa o jogo parece sensacional. Tem como deixar a paleta de cores e som parecidos com o do Master System? Acho tão linda as cores 8bits do Master System. 

Hello! Another really fun game! Just got a bug to report

Seems like when you defeat the eyeball enemy before the final one spawns the game freezes up. tried it in both the browser and the downloaded version. I'm not sure if it's got something to do with beating both the first and second enemies before the next one spawns or just the second one.


Post-update: chef's kiss!

I was worried that the added attacks would make it more difficult but everything balanced out. Such seemingly minute differences making all the difference like health pickups getting pulled into the player. The double jump was helpful but not needed all the time.

Well done.


I'm glad you liked the improvements. I still plan on making more adjustments and balancing changes after the game jam vote. All suggestions are welcome! :)


High quality on Pixelart, Music/SFX and Level design.

Good controls, except the dash that you should be invincible for dodge the sprites.

I dont see the theme of "Magical Girls" anywhere.

I dont like the idea of fighting 3 random bosses at the same time.

Besides all that, good game.


I'm glad you liked the game. The magical girl here follows a more "She-Ra" style than "Sailor Moon", but I plan to make adjustments to this after the game jam vote.

As for the bosses, the game follows the Boss Rush style, but it has this mechanic where you need to defeat the boss before 1 minute or the next one will come anyway. I implemented it just to fit the theme of one of the game jams which was "1 minute".

I plan to make more adjustments to the game after the jam in general, once again thanks for the feedback.


This is a nice game, the bosses were fun to fight, though not that hard. I like the dash and air dash, though I ran into a problem near the end.

I defeated the first two guys and then the last one stopped moving and taking damage, softlocking me. 

Unable to die or win ,Iliria stopped thinking.


Very strange, I'll try to force this bug to see what it could be. Thanks a lot for playing! :)


This is very hard but everything about it is so high-quality! Great work!

Thank you very much! I made some adjustments to the character's health and minor balances.


I like the movement physics but it's too basic to be able to easily avoid attacks. I can destroy the first boss quite easily except it's hard to tell the difference between the hurt colour and the pre-attack colour.

I'm gonna keep trying. It's a decent challenge and I understand it's a jam game. I really like the graphics.

Thank you very much! I added more attacks to enemies and new abilities for the player, such as Double Jump and Dash.

