This game was made IN 4 hours for TRIJAM #275.

This is a simple game where you are an astronaut cat and you need to avoid obstacles while reaching speed on your jetpack.

Take a screenshot and post your score here. :)


MOBILE: Touch de screen

KEYBOARD: Arrow keys or A and S to move.

Game by Róger Goulart

Published 4 days ago
Made withConstruct
TagsCute, infinite-runner, Pixel Art, Retro, Sci-fi, Short, Space


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Simple but fun!

89 is my best score! I can't do any better

(1 edit)

I tried to post a screenshot, but I got an error saying "post: body: expected text between 1 and 20480 characters." The score in the screenshot was 52 points, lasting 32 seconds.

I had a game that went slightly longer, with a score of 57; I think the time was 37 seconds. I notice, when the game last that long, that the stars in the background scroll by in a repetitive manner, separating out into discrete lines.
This doesn't seem to me to be a very good score, but it seems like success is partly luck, in not getting a configuration of rocks that herds you inescapably into the corner.