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This is an incredible game!!! Can we hope for a version with different levels and other bosses??


I'm seriously thinking about this, thanx for the feedback! :)


Very happy to hear it !!!This is just amazing !!!


特别好玩 掌握技巧很容易通关~


Pretty difficult, but so polished. It's hardly believable it was made in a month! 

Also, you got me some views for my submission, so thanks for that.


Cool music, beautiful art, but so hard (for me). This was a lot of fun and looks amazing.


The game is interesting in concept and simple in art.  I like that.  However the controls are not necessarily intuitive. I would normally use spacebar to jump.  

Also, there seems to be no progression or learning curve.  You walk in and immediately have to deal with a Big boss.  A player should have some time to get used to the controls, while at the same time feeling rewarded for their efforts which would encourage continued gametime.


The gamejam theme was BOSS RUSH, I couldn't make a level for the player to get used to the commands, so I made him start in a hallway before finding the first boss (which despite being big is the simplest to kill). Thanx for the feedback! :)


Nossa. Muito bom, Roger


Muito obrigado! :3


Maaaaan! I enjoyed this game so much! felt super nostalgic for me going back to Megaman, the first boss definitely felt like i was fighting Yellow Devil!

All the bosses were super cool and creative, but i feel like the only one I didn't like was Boss 3; it was interesting and liked the design, but it felt like a lot of waiting for him to come down and attack. Maybe if it had an attack where it stays on the ground for a bit would be good, and also being able to hurt it without jumping would be alright too.

Music was great, but menu sounds could get a look at to be more appealing, rather than straining.

Not a whole lot I saw bad, everything else was awesome and I loved every bit of it! Music, combat, background, character design, everything was phenomenal! Can't wait to see where you go from here! 

Hope you enjoy the video! 


liked the game, really impressed it was made in a game jam. the finial boss is so hard. 7/10 would love to see this as a metroidvenia or something along the lines.

That excitement hit me too at the end of the final boss, but unfortunately I was onehit and got hit at the escape route lmao.

Anyway I got it again and finished it.


ye is so hard but fair play to ya


nice graphics, great game-play, but it took me wayyy to long to beat the final swordmaster boss, but i guess its not meant to be easy. 


amazing art and great concept

but boss 3's rng is constantly causing it to use the thunder and never go down so you can attack it

boss 5 is just an unbalanced POS 

every time you try to dodge the falling swords you get whacked by a dagger or the big ass sword

the boss fights are ruined by their RNG making boss 3 difficult and boss 5 an unplayable undodgeable anal session that teleports away every time you try to hit him


i really don't like boss 5


like really he scares me




should I even ask for help?


gl on whatever it is you do next I hope you can improve and hone your skills as a dev <3


Game is really good, cant believe you did all that in a jam!



Thank you very much for the video, it was so much fun! :D


Absolutely beautiful game with great art :)
The sound effects are criminally bad though, I feel they detract from what otherwise is a pretty polished exterior!

I'm not sure what the purpose of the "attack calmly" mechanic was either. It didn't really affect how I played, and felt like an arbitrary limiter that stopped me from attacking right as the boss retreated. 

But overall you guys really pulled together a seriously good looking game


Presumably, it was for a cool name and fulfillment of the jam's theme, self-destruct. 


I haven't beaten it yet, but it's insanely good! 

Would I be able to contact you (Twitter DM, email?) in some way about a maybe kinda cool thing?


I cant be the only one stuck on the first boss right? lol


Hello dev, this is super nice game. Simple and engaging. The effect also fit well. I got a few questions.

1. What engine did you make this?

2. How you guys actually make the game fill up the browser screen when press play?

3. What is you guys did to get short loading screen?

3. Yes with a ssd

te querrías unir a mi cuenta de

Thanx fot the feedback. :)

1. I used Construct 3;

2. In the settings when posting the game there is an option for this.

3. I can't answer for sure, I think this comes from the engine I used.


amazing game my guy!

the art and the gameplay are super nice.

if i have any complains they would be that sometimes it's not super clear if the body of boss deals damage or not. 

other than that i discovered a bug , if the first boss gets you down to 0 hp just as you kill him the death animation and everything still plays out but you become softlocked in mid air.

(1 edit) (+1)

All enemies have as attack target some part in red to be a highlight. I'm going to take a look at this bug, thank you. :)

someone speaks Spanish


hola disculpa que te responda después de 20 días pero quería preguntarte te quieres unir a mi cuneta de


gracias por unirte


Te recomiendo este juego:

yo "Ñ"


hasta los 3 intentos pude matar a dos jefes


good work on the art, this game looks great, downloading now to play.


Buen juego es lo máximo.


Gracias! :)


The game is great, but i hope the following versions can allow users to change keyboard control arrangement. Like i prefer wasd than arrow keys


32bit version is have an error 

Thanx for the advice, I'll take a look.

This is a great game. Designs are menacing and feel like a challenge. The curse bar definitely changes things up. Having this work within a metroidvania world would be great especially if you can keep it interesting with these sorts of item limitations. Highly interested if this project goes any further!

Thanx a lot! I have some plans to extend the game with levels.


Ohhhh my word.


Man the game is very good, would it be too complicated to make this game run in an unlocked 3ds?

Thanx, man! I don't know how to rum this game in an 3ds. :S


This is a really good game, I would love to see more from you. I especially like the final boss. 5 Stars!


Thanx for the feedback! :D




Pretty awesome!!! You really need to publish it on Steam (would definitely buy it). It looks like a metroidvania for sure, but its really cool a game to beat only bosses. Great job indeed


Thanx for the feedback! I thinking to make a version with levels to Steam, but still having a "Boss Rosh" mode.

(1 edit) (+1)

Damn, this is awesome. I'm still stuck at the final boss for now but this is damn good and I'ma definitely try and finish it. Any chance for a windows executable ? It's a little slow for me on the browser


Now there is! ;) Thanx for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey thank you :)

Edit : So just beat the game twice so far. Amazing game man. I think I loved the third purple boss the most.

About the only complaint I have is that the hitboxes for the bosses could be a little better. It's kinda hard to tell where the hitboxes are for the bosses and because you have to move in close to get their weak point, it can be a little annoying when they turn unexpectedly and you get hit

I think  it would be a little better if you don't take damage from the boss's hitbox ( except for the second boss ). That's pretty much the only grievance I have with this game. None the less, amazing game man.


Hitboxes are always the red dots, but in fact some are tricky to hit with up close, it's something I can re-think in the future. Thanx for the feedback! :D


This is really solid work - I really like it. Great job.

Thanx a lot! :)

Can you add gamepad support? I noticed the start button on my Xbox controller works however that's the only one that works!


Can you make a .exe build of the game? It runs pretty slow for me in a browser and I wanna play more of it

Now there is! :)


Thanks my dude!

Deleted 3 years ago

I confess that this is a unfair part, the best way out is to try to be quick. But soon I'll fine-tune this in an update.


Great Game


Thamx!!! :D


Would be nice to have an instant restart button or a quick way to get back to the start of the fight if you die


I think it's worthy for the Boss Rush Jam :)

so much unreadable randomness, also why even keep the hex curse if the whole game is dodging anyway(dodging is not attacking so the bar barely ever goes down???)


Youre not supposed to read but bait out, also there should be enough time to react to every attack even when youre taking a swing ATM.

(1 edit) (+2)

good game, i hate the randomness on the last boss, the small sword spawns in your face and hurt you, maybe you should activate the  hitbox after 0.25-0.5 secs from spawn time.

Nothing to say about the rest, it is very well done and beautiful.


Make a download 

Now there is! ;)


Hii, I've made a video beating the game and wanted to share some feedback about it, hopefully it is useful to you :D

-The concept of the game fits perfectly the theme of the jam.

-The gameplay mechanics are really nice and well thought, but I think I've been able to feel some input lag when combinning double jumps and attacks when doing it pretty fast, but in general the game felt pretty solid.

-Visually the game looks amazing, in my opinion it's the strongest point on the game.

Hopefully this is useful to you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)


Thank you so much for the feedback and analysis, this certainly helps a lot to improve the game. :D


You are welcome :D


For a project, this game was very interesting. The artistic part is excellent. It has, in my opinion, good potential to become a great Metroidvania. Props to ya for this project.

Thank you very much! The idea of a metroidvania is getting stronger.

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